Join Edmonton’s best kept secret for wine lovers

Subscribers to our Wine Lovers Newsletter get exclusive offers and first dibs on free educational wine tasting tickets. We’ll keep you up-to- date on industry news about wine, beer, scotch and the latest products to hit our shelves.

The Newsletter for Wine Lovers by Wine Lovers

Our acclaimed wine tasting series are informal events designed to be educational and fun. We only invite presenters who seriously know their stuff — inside and out. Each wine tasting is based on a unique topic such as library releases of back vintage wines. This is your chance to ask questions and learn in an intimate environment.

How it Works

You’ll receive an email the week before an event. You’ll need to RSVP within two days to indicate if you’d like to come. As space is limited, names are randomly drawn. If you’re a lucky winner, you’ll receive two free tickets to the wine tasting. All purchases that evening receive a 10% discount.
